Frequent Questions?

Ethics Fintech Pvt. Ltd. is a platform that facilitates loan transactions between borrowers and business loan (Invoice based financing) provider that are Bankers/Lenders under Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya JanAushadhi Kendra (PMBJK).

This platform provides you immediate finance to your invoices without any physical paperwork.

Store should be under JanAushadhi Kendra.

Yes, it is mandatory to give both consent while registration and loan process.

Current account.

Purchased based invoice.

60 days.

Pay interest on amount which is used (Disbursement), not on sanctioned entire sanctioned limit.

KYC Documents – Aadhar card , Pan card & GST number & 6 months Bank Statements.

Depends on bank’s credit/risk products.

We have an auto collection method in which you can feed your internet banking or debit card details and on due date amount is auto collected or you can manually pay by yourself before due date.

Mobile number registered with bank account, store code & Aadhar number.

Depends on bank’s credit/risk products.

Sanction on real time basis & Disbursement as per the bank policy.